Start by cutting paper plate pieces. You'll need to fold over a plate until the edge of one side meets the inside margin of the other side of the plate (see illustration). Fold plate, then open up and cut
along this line. This creates pieces for the body of the angel. Take another plate and cut into 4 equal pieces. Round the outside corners of two of the pieces these will be the angel's wings. Cut out pieces for the head, hair, arms and hands according to the patterns (will open in new window).
Place the body pieces face down with the smaller piece on top and the flat edges aligned (see illustration). Fold into a cone shape and tape or glue together. Glue the hair piece onto the head circle. Fold the metallic cord into a loop and
tape or glue to back of head with cut pieces of cord hiding behind. The majority of the loop should be showing above the head and creating the angel's halo. Fold the arm pieces over a pencil (so as not to create a hard fold but a rounded one). Tape or glue edges together. Glue hands to inside back of sleeve. Glue or tape arms to back of body. Glue or tape wings to back of angel.
Decorate your angel or leave it plain. You could spray gold or silver paint over all or just touches on the wings and bottom of dress and/or glue gold, white, silver or crystal glitter on just the dress, wings and sleeves. Also, bows, beads, ribbons, etc. could be a nice touch. Do as little or as much decorating as you desire.